Why this title? Since we bought our French house, the question we get asked most often is:
"So, whereabouts in France are you?". Having tried all sorts of sophisticated ways of explaining, we finally settled on this as the quickest, simplest answer.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Home Is Where The Art Is

Why do I love my job? Is it because I get to meet some fascinating people? Or is because property finding lets me see round some fabulous houses? This week, the answer to both of these questions is a definite and enthusiastic yes!
When you look at a property, particularly if it’s an older house, creative imagination is a real asset. Being able to see beyond its existing state and recognise the potential that lies beneath can help people to make what can prove to be life changing decisions.
Eileen and Walter Haddow are one couple who show just what can be achieved when personal vision is combined with a lot of hard work and determination. As far as inspiration and vision go....they have both in volumes! In the four years that they have lived in the Charentaise town of Civray, they have not only transformed an old barn into an attractive addition to their property, they have also created a thriving gallery and arts centre that now lies firmly at the heart of the community.

During our short visit, several people – both French and English -visited the Grand Galerie either to ask for help with a problem or to discuss details of a forthcoming artistic event (and this was on a Monday when the gallery is actually closed!). Within this tastefully restored space, artists from around the world come to exhibit everything from jewellery to sculpture, photographs and water colours. The ground floor, meanwhile, hosts: a charming cafe with menus in both French and English, art classes, musical events, an internet cafe and book exchange to name but a few. It is clear that, not only have Eileen and Walter developed a thriving business, they have also made a real impact in promoting the arts. Looking around, I could easily have spent a small fortune on any number of objets and only the presence of my other half halted my speculations about how I could manage to combine property finding with running a gallery!
Walking from the sunny front courtyard (a setting for numerous community events) into the artistically furnished townhouse that the Haddows have made home, their creativity and love of the arts is evident everywhere. Even though circumstances mean that they intend to sell the Grand Galerie, you can tell that they have no intention of quietly retiring! Walter’s eyes gleam as he talks of travel plans and they both enthusiastically explain the possibilities that could be realised if a deal to buy an adjoining plot of land succeeds.
Whatever Eileen and Walter decide to do, their warmth and energy will be sorely missed by their community. Although no one can provide a sure fire recipe for success when moving to France, for my money, their combination of imagination, hard work and enthusiasm are a great model to follow.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Compare the Market

Chateau Javarzay - Chef Boutonne
Yesterday’s gorgeous spring sunshine meant that I was able to combine business with pleasure. The morning was spent looking at properties (and, admittedly, “researching” the quality of coffee and patisserie) in the charming little market town of Chef Boutonne. Business completed, a stroll round the town taking in the picturesque chateau and ancient wash house left me feeling relaxed and ready for an afternoon spent chez nous digging over the veg plot. Happily renewing my ongoing battle with the briar roots that still dare to make an appearance in the middle of my spring cabbages, I was interrupted by a call from a friend in England. I sensed that things weren’t going particularly well from the outset.  “No, it isn’t”, “very windy” and “totally fed up” were the replies to my initial questions. (Good day? Weather? How are you?, in case you wondered).
Having bemoaned the weather, cutbacks and petrol prices at length, there followed the inevitable:
“ ...Of course it’s different for you, living in France. You don’t have all that to worry about”.
Well, of course it is different - that’s the whole reason we moved here. There are things we miss and some aspect of our lives here that aren’t ideal – in our case notably the bureaucracy. Better? In our experience, much better in terms of quality of life and definitely less pressured.
Given my role as a Property Finder, I inevitably started thinking about pros and cons of buying in France as opposed to the UK. Seeking another point of view, I looked at The Independent business section and if their reporting is to be believed, it looks as if the housing market in the UK is heading for yet another setback. Mortgage lending in January was at the lowest levels we’ve seen since the start of 2008 .The CML (Council of Mortgage Lenders) noted that the figure for January was a depressing 12% lower than for the previous January. The same article reported that Howard Archer, chief UK economist at IHS Global Insight, warned that prices could fall by 5% in 2011 which would represent a fall of 10% from peak 2010 levels. This, added to the prospect of rises in interest rates in 2011, doesn’t make the UK property market seem the most attractive place to be buying at the moment.

In contrast, the market in France is looking more stable. The French have always been more cautious about lending and so the “crise” hasn’t been quite so dramatic here. That said, prices did drop and it’s been possible to negotiate some really good deals as a result. In 2010 prices stabilized and the FNAIM predict a slow but steady increase as we go through 2011 making French property look like a good investment. As an added bonus, rates for a French mortgage are currently at their lowest since the 1940s making this an option that increasing numbers of British property hunters are picking up.
All this “gives one furiously to think”... as my friend Francette would say. Taking all things considered, I’d much rather be contemplating life from my own particular French home than from anywhere else. Biased? Me? Surely not.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

A Teenage Perspective

As a former teacher, I’m always fascinated to hear about how education  looks from the other side of the classroom. I know from my own experience and from working with local immobiliers that whereas ten or twelve years ago, the typical house hunter would have been around retirement age, we’re now also seeing increasing numbers of younger people with families making a permanent move to our area of Deux Sèvres and to the South Vendée.
It’s only natural that a major consideration of such a move will be how the children will cope in school.  Last week I was lucky enough to discuss this with someone who entered the French education system at the age of 14 totally unable to speak the language and who now, six years on is a fluent French speaker who passed her Baccalauréat aged 18. Catherine is a poised, confident and highly articulate young woman in her final year at Lycée who is looking forward to starting work as a PA for an International company later in the year. The first to admit that life as a teenager in a foreign country was, at times far from easy, her success has been achieved through determination and steady effort.  
I thought that her comments might be a useful point of reference.
When I asked for her best advice for young people, she left the room, returning a moment later holding a pair of wickedly high heels. (Catherine, I should mention is in no danger of being overlooked being both tall and striking to look at). “If you run as fast as you can in high heels, even if you trip up, everything seems easier afterwards”, she said. I love that analogy. As she pointed out, even if you can’t speak the language very well, the very best thing to do is go for it. You might worry about tripping up but energy and determination will take you a long way. Come to think of it, that’s great advice for adults as well, although I guess most of the men I know might struggle with the running-in -heels bit!
Learning within the family situation by watching TV in French together was suggested as helpful for language learning but also as a positive experience for the whole family to share. She particularly recommended The Simpsons for its familiarity and visual humour. Trying to talk French at mealtimes is also a good way forward. Though now fluent herself, Catherine confessed to being both touched and proud when her parents try out their language skills on her French boyfriend round the dinner table.
On a more cautious note, Catherine advised all parents to avoid getting too lost in their own vision of what they want life in France to be. Teenagers, she cautions, are particularly fragile anyway and might find it much more difficult to adjust than younger children. This aside her final comment will, I hope, reassure parents thinking of making the move.
 “Moving to France...”, she said, “... is the best thing my parents have ever done for me. My life is far richer. I’ve learned a new language, I have great relationships and I love life here. I’ve been pushed to extend my limits and am really proud of what I’ve achieved”.
So, if you’re considering making the move, best get out those high heels!
(If you want to learn more about Catherine’s experiences, I’ll be putting a full article on FrenchEntree website soon)